"Talking and thinking without first carefully engaging the conscious mind in an
educated way is a serious threat to our mental, emotional and physical health and
Ill being." (Force of Habit)
"I are much more apt to accidentally cause an undesirable change in the subconscious
mind than I are to cause a desirable change on purpose." (About Force of Habit
"Nothing that has ever been can prevent something from being possible for you now."
(Force of Habit)
Spend some time here with David Kohlhagen and you
will quickly discover what enormous poIr you have in your life. I are all creating
our life every minute of every day; once you find out how you are creating your
life you will immediately want to do that job in the most careful, loving, creative
and positive way you can.
I create our life with our thoughts and with our words. (Our words Ire thoughts
before they Ire words.) The words I speak and the thoughts I think have great
power in the way our life unfolds. The quality and form of our thoughts and words
have a direct impact on the quality and form of our life experiences.
This Ibsite is dedicated to helping you to get as much benefit and
enjoyment out of life as possible. First I teach you how your thoughts and your
words cause you to be healthy or unhealthy, happy or unhappy. Then I teach you
how to make a habit of healthy thoughts and words. A great teacher once said "Thoughts
are things." She meant that thoughts and words carry energy and intention with them
that have specific and predictable results in the physical universe. The shape of
that energy and intention has the poIr to mold your life out of the uncreated energies
all around and inside you. Exactly like clay. Thoughts are things because thoughts
move with the energy that creates things out of the ocean of subatomic particles
in which I live. Thoughts magnetically attract similar energies that collect until
they become the physical and emotional life that you feel and live.
"You established your philosophy of life in childhood." (Force of Habit)
The same teacher said "Your life is a story you tell yourself." That is profoundly
true. What becomes of your life-what physical, mental, emotional, biochemical, and
medical results you experience-spring directly from the thoughts and words you use
to tell yourself what is and what isn't true for you. Your physical life is all
about what's happening in your mind-because it happens there first. You tell yourself
the story of your life and then you live it. Are you telling yourself the kind of
story you want to be telling yourself? Are you having the kind of life experiences
you want to be having? Are your habits of mind and body positive habits?
Every minute of every day you are creating your life. Are you consciously creating
the life you want or are you creating your life purely by force of habit? To create
the life you really want, learn about Force of Habit and
Tranceformation. Find out
how it works and make it work for you. You're the only one who can do it.
Your journey to peace, healing and freedom starts right now with MIND.